About Brand Tasmania

What we do
Our mission is to inspire and encourage Tasmanians, and those who want to be Tasmanian, to quietly pursue the extraordinary.
Quiet: Tasmanians are humble, quietly confident, and cool while the rest of the world is increasingly loud and hot.
Pursuit: We’re isolated, so we’ve had to be inventive. We were underestimated, so nothing is ever “good enough.” We’ve had to work harder together, to make determination a core of our culture. The Bass Strait means everything from here is more expensive, so we have learned to focus on the boutique, the bespoke, on “better, not more.”
The extraordinary: This is about quality taking precedence over quantity, on privileging the unusual, and on our choice to protect the wilderness and our environment.
Brand Tasmania is industry and community led, and government enabled.
Because of the enormity of our ambition and the size of our team here at Brand Tasmania, we are a client-service organisation empowering Tasmanians to tell their story.
We are the first statutory place-branding authority to be established in Australia, created under the Brand Tasmania Act 2018. We are responsible for taking a best practice approach to ensure the Tasmanian brand is strengthened locally, nationally and internationally, and is promoted as a key asset of the Tasmanian community. These are our broad objectives:
- To develop, maintain, protect and promote a Tasmanian brand that is differentiated and enhances our appeal and competitiveness nationally and internationally;
- To strengthen Tasmania’s image and reputation locally, nationally and internationally; and
- To nurture, enhance and promote the Tasmanian brand as a shared public asset.
The Tasmanian brand is so much more than a logo or a tagline. It’s about our people and what they’ve achieved through struggle, hard work, and ingenuity. Our role is to express this unifying story, to help you tell your own stories through the lens of the Tasmanian brand story, and to invite all Tasmanians to be a part of it.
Our projects

Tasmanian Stories

Little Tasmanian

The Tasmanian Mark

The Tasmanian Scent

Tasmanian Health Recruitment

Tasmanian Youth Story

Women in Tasmania
Statutory info
Brand Tasmania is established under the Brand Tasmania Act 2018, which specifies its statutory objectives, functions, powers and responsibilities.
Upon Brand Tasmania’s commencement on 29 March 2019, the Premier issued his Ministerial Statement of Expectations to the Board.
Routine disclosures
Brand Tasmania complies with the whole-of-government gifts, benefits and hospitality policy.
Under the policy, the Head of Agency is to ensure that the agency maintains an appropriate gift register to record declarations by employees. The policy states that all declarations of gifts, benefits and/or hospitality to the value of $100 or greater, be published in the agency’s annual report for that financial year, or on the agency’s website. A copy of the policy can be found on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website.
The register below show gifts, benefits and/or hospitality and their value that have been accepted by Brand Tasmania employees from 29 March 2019 (the date Brand Tasmania commenced operation) to the end of the most recent quarter, in accordance with the policy. Brand Tasmania will update and publish the register on a quarterly basis.
Public Interest Disclosures
The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 (the Act) commenced operation on 1 January 2004 (commonly known as the Whistleblower legislation). The main objective of the Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct (or detrimental action) by public officers and public bodies. The Act provides protection to persons who make disclosures in accordance with the Act, from reprisals and establishes a system for the matters disclosed to be properly investigated and for rectifying action to be taken.
Reporting a disclosure
A disclosure about improper conduct or detrimental action by the Agency or one of its officers may be made in person, by telephone or in writing to the following:
Ombudsman – 1800 001 170 or ombudsman@ombudsman.tas.gov.au
CEO, Brand Tasmania – phone 03 6232 7647
Our commitment
Brand Tasmania is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002. It does not tolerate improper conduct by its employees or officers, or the taking of detrimental action against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.
Brand Tasmania recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices, and supports the making of disclosures that reveal the type of conduct to which the Act is directed.
Brand Tasmania will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such a disclosure from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure, and to protect their welfare. It will also afford natural justice to all parties involved in the investigation of a disclosure.
These procedures establish a system for reporting disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action by officers or employees of Brand Tasmania. The procedures are also intended to assist its officers and employees understand the way in which the Act operates and needs to be administered.
Right to Information
The Right to Information Act 2009 (the Act) came into effect in July 2010. It replaced the former Freedom of Information legislation.
The guiding principle of the new Act is that information held by Tasmanian public authorities belongs to the people of the State and has been collected for and on their behalf.
The Act creates a legally enforceable right for a person to be provided with information in the possession of a public authority. Brand Tasmania is a public authority under the Act.
Right to Information
Department of Premier and Cabinet
GPO Box 123, Hobart TAS 7001
Alternatively, you can email righttoinformation@dpac.tas.gov.au