Tasmanian podcasts

What does it mean to be Tasmanian?
Welcome to Be Tasmanian, a podcast about an impossible mission in a small state at the bottom of the world.
It’s about uncovering a hidden story that unites people, and using that story to inspire community action.
It’s about place-branding, destination marketing, and economic development, but it’s really about culture: It’s about who we are, why we live where we live, what all that means, and what we ought to do about it.
Discover the honesty, the vulnerability, and the passion on these isolated islands at the bottom of the world. Discover what it means to be Tasmanian.
Different is Good
The origin story of “Keep Austin Weird,” our starting place with the question, “Why Tasmania?” and how we began with the premise that culture drives everything.

The Power of Narrative
Most place-branding and economic development work is driven by advertising agencies and consultants. Why does it so rarely work and is there a better way?

The Problem Only We Can Solve
Tasmania isn’t for everyone, and that has to be okay.
Who are our people, and how can we make a strength out of everything we once saw as a weakness?

"I challenge any person in Tasmania to not be inspired and proud by the messaging in these episodes and strongly recommend this as essential listening to all Tasmanians."
– Brett C.
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Brand?
What do we talk about when we talk about brand?
It’s a confusing, intimidating, terrible word. For a lot of us it’s a logo. Even when we know it isn’t a logo, we end up fighting over logos. What IS a place brand?

The Unifying Cultural Expression
You uncover the story, you build the brand, but now what?
How can you use a cultural expression to unify the efforts of half a million people?

Can We Get Shirley?
The ultimate test of any economic development strategy: is your story good enough to convince talented people to pick up their lives and invest everything in you?