Move to Tasmania
Choose meaning
When you meet a Tasmanian, you might learn their families have been here for five or six generations. When you meet an Aboriginal Tasmanian, you’ll hear far older and deeper stories of culture and country.
You’ll also meet people who made the extraordinary choice to live on these islands in the Southern Ocean more recently.
These new Tasmanians often see the magic in things others take for granted: the smell of Huon Pine, wallabies in your backyard, four seasons passing in an hour, the heightened taste of a Tasmanian avocado or a glass of Tasmanian sparkling wine. After only a few weeks in Tasmania, they are connected to people who want to help.
If you’re from a massive city, you might give up a few conveniences when you move to Queenstown or Burnie or Bicheno or Geeveston. But very quickly, you’ll see Tasmanians make up for it in honest and deeply meaningful ways.
Learn more"Every year we go to Cradle Mountain in the depths of winter. It's this place where I can feel in the wild and isolated, and there's something rejuvenating about that experience. It helps you just get back in touch with life in its simplest form."

Tasmania is the only place... for some of us
Tasmania is an island state with thousands of years of cultural history and new arrivals who – like you – tend to be a bit more adventurous, a bit more curious, a bit more willing to say hello to a stranger, or to try something new.
It isn’t for everyone. But for some of us, this is the only place. In a loud and exhausting world, Tasmania is quiet. No matter where you live, you’re never far from nature: our wilderness, our mountains, our water.
Instead of commuting, you can create and turn your passion into your career.
Whatever you and your family pursue in Tasmania, you can pursue it meaningfully.
Tasmanians invented permaculture, green politics, and wave-piercing catamarans. Our mining equipment is safer, our whisky and cheese is more delicious, our museums and festivals are weirder, and our signature wine is pinot noir – the heartbreak grape.
No, it isn’t for everyone. But it might be for you.
Learn More“I did some research and found Tasmania to be a quiet place, an opportunity to study harder. So I made the goal to come to Tasmania to study at UTAS. It was a risk worth taking. Sitting here now, if I look back… I know I made the right call.”

How to be Tasmanian
When you become Tasmanian, you will begin referring to the rest of Australia as ‘The mainland’. Unless, of course, you become a King Island or a Flinders Island Tasmanian. In that case, you’ll refer to the rest of Tasmania as the mainland.
If you’re currently a mainlander, you will find it rather easy to move to Tasmania. You’re already browsing real estate sites.
If you’re coming from another country, you’ll join thousands of others from around the world who are building meaningful lives here as Tasmanians. We invite you to begin browsing real estate sites as well, but first you’ll have to sort out the right visa.
What sort of Tasmanian do you want to be?
From afar, Tasmania seems like a small place. You can drive across it in a day, though we don’t recommend it. You’ll miss too much. When you’re here, you’ll see how we delight in our regional differences and you will too.
Being Tasmanian
We talk about 'Tasmanian' as being a cultural expression of who we are and what we do. If you aspire to be Tasmanian, or just a little curious, join us.
Need a visa?
We’re thrilled you’re dreaming about becoming Tasmanian. Our friends in the Australian Government are in charge of the visa process. You can find more information here.
You may also be interested in exploring your eligibility for Tasmania’s Business and Skilled Migration Program. To find out more visit Migration Tasmania.
About Tasmania
Tasmania is more than one island. It’s more than 300. Our islands have shaped how Tasmanians have lived for thousands of years. Isolation, wilderness and our marine environment have helped create our culture. Our environment is the source of our creativity and our personality, the foundation of who we are.

Tasmanian innovation
After a century of hard work, invention, and sacrifice, Tasmania reached a milestone in late 2020: we now create more renewable electricity than we use. When the Duck Reach power station opened in 1895, the City of Launceston was the first in the Southern Hemisphere to be powered by hydro-electricity. Today our 100 per cent renewable mix also includes wind and solar power. Learn what is next for Tasmanian Renewables.