There is much that is special about this place; the islands, the people and what we do.
There is also hardship and struggle, in our past and our present. For Tasmanian women, it is a particular specialness and a particular hardship.
Our deep connection to our community, and to our environment, drives us to live in honest and compelling ways. We don’t shy away from challenges; we embrace them and nurture the opportunities they present, and our achievements are more meaningful because of it.
Along with our friends in the Department of Premier and Cabinet, we wanted to celebrate women across Tasmania. We wanted to show women who lead, women in their communities, and women supporting other women.
By making these examples visible, we aim to champion the meaningful achievements of Tasmanian women, and showcase the influence of our unusual place and our unexpected lifestyles.
There are so many incredibly strong — not just physically strong but mentally strong — women in Tasmania, tackling really hard things.
Rachel Chong Head of People, Procreate

Fernanda Alves de Amorim

Mars Buttfield-Addison

Kitana Mansell

Jane Wardlaw

Curly Haslam-Coates

Meriem Daoui

Andi Lucas

Leonie Ridge

Rachel Chong

Tamika Bannister

Jane Edwards

Melanie Gent

RebeccA Kissling

Carleeta Thomas

Sarah Parry

Diane Edgerton

Albert Street Gang
Equal means Equal: Tasmanian Women's Strategy 2022-27
The Tasmanian Government is working towards equality for all Tasmanian women from all walks of life.
In 2022, people from across the state were surveyed to inform the new Tasmanian Women’s Strategy, and the resounding message was that the need for gender equality is as important now as it has ever been.
Gender equality means women, men and gender-diverse people enjoy the same rights. None of us are equal until we are all equal.
The vision is for a Tasmania where women and girls have access to equal choice, opportunity, and resources to participate in our economic, social, political and community life. It is for a Tasmania where gender equality is embedded in our culture, attitudes, and practices, recognising the diversity of Tasmanian women and girls.
Creative: Joshua Lamont, Richard Turton, Max Crosswell, David Ortiz, Ross Giblin, Jazz Upton, Tim Upton, Sam Hagen, Jess Oakenfull, Natasha Mulhall.
Special thanks: Bruny Island Country Women's Association, City of Hobart Fire & Biodiversity Fire Crew, Giselle Owens, JESSA Choir, Inala Nature Tours, Procreate, Tasmania Police, Tom the Tree Wizard, University of Tasmania Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory, and Wellington Park Trust Management, Windeward Bound, wukalina Walk.