In our interviews and research with Tasmanians, and those who admire Tasmanian-ness in all its forms, we listened carefully for symbols and icons. While a brand is not a logo, we needed some way to express the magic of this place and its people. Nothing compared with the word itself: Tasmanian.
Welcome to the Tasmanian store.
These items are for all Tasmanians and those who might like to be Tasmanian – for a night, two weeks, or the rest of their lives. We have tried to source all of these items as ethically and as responsibly as possible, using as many Tasmanian partners as we could find, and the proceeds are re-invested into our work with and for our partners.
We love to see images of Tasmanian-ness out in the wild! If you, your friends, or your family snap any special photos of these things at home or in your travels, please tag @brandtasmania or #tasmanian so we can enjoy them along with you.




























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